B2W Academy is serious programme for serious writers.

Looking to level up in your writing craft and career?

B2W Academy has got you covered!

Join B2W Academy right now for LIFETIME access and front row seats to all B2W Academy events, Q&As, trainings, masterclasses and replays.

B2W Academy is all about community and learning via accountability Zoom check-ins, goal-setting and evaluation; live script edits; first line surgeries; pitching peer review; plus panels and Q&As with industry pros.

Not to mention ALL B2W's new Teachable courses, masterclasses and Q&As going forwards in 2024 and beyond.

Sign up NOW to lock in your place at a low price and help build the academy from the ground up.

Want to know more?

Then scroll on down for details, or feel to drop me message via Teachable, social media or send me an email.

Not 'Just' A Course!

B2W Academy is NOT just a one-off training or course like my previous offerings on Teachable.

Academy members get lifetime access to ALL my new Teachable content going forwards. Everything I create will go into the academy and will be the ONLY place it's available.

There's approximately 100+ hours of replays in the Academy already, including all-new, never-seen-before content such as (but not limited to) ...

An in-depth course on thriller screenplays based on B2W's bestselling Writing & Selling Thriller Screenplays book

A live script edit of Bang2writers' first lines in their scripts and novels

Q&As with industry pros, including literary agents, marketing and social media experts, screenwriters and authors

A masterclass on writing script reports

A hot seat live pitching event

Accountability check-ins

A mini-course on planning, writing & editing your novel

Goal-setting and evaluation

A masterclass on writing female characters

plus loads more trainings including how to research, writer branding 101 and MUCH more.

Plenty more where that came from too -- we're adding to this huge content library EVERY month!

'Like A Mentor In Your Pocket!'

Get access to Lucy V's advice daily via the dedicated Academy WhatsApp Group, plus chat with your peers about your goals, writing issues and share your pages in our 'Script Saturday' event - loglines and pitches, novels, short stories and screenplays of every kind are welcome!

Courses, Q&As, Masterclasses & Trainings

Every B2W Academy members gets access to EVERYTHING Lucy creates on Teachable. These included pre-recorded masterclasses or trainings & a treasure trove of resources such as checklists, worksheets, cheat sheets to help you with your writing craft & career.

Level Up In Your Writing AND Career

Lots of group programmes concentrate on writing craft OR career ... but B2W Academy is BOTH! Benefit from Lucy V's expertise not only in screenwriting, but publishing as well -- plus learn what it takes to build a writing career in the 2020s. Don't miss out!

Engage on YOUR terms ...

Never feel alone again!

With quarterly check-ins, goal-setting get-togethers, a dedicated WhatsApp group and other accountability and community relations, B2W Academy members Bang2writers will have the rocket fuel they need and the moral support they crave to achieve their writing dreams.

Prefer to 'Lone Wolf' it?

No problem! We are all different and Lucy understands that neurodiverse writers, those with anxiety or writers with demanding day jobs or caring commitments may prefer to engage separately, on their own schedules. You are welcome to watch on catch-up & direct questions just to Lucy as and when you want!

Want to do a bit of both?

Be our guest! Be as engaged as you like, when you like ... if you need to take a step back when life gets super-busy for you, no problem. All the replays and live events are available whenever you want to get back on that horse.

Enrol now at a one-off price, or spread the cost with a payment plan

Reminder - B2W Academy is NOT a course, but a group programme with LIFETIME access. You can stay forever, engage on your own terms and still benefit from new events and other content added every single month! You also get a hotline straight to Lucy V's advice for your writing Qs and discounts on B2W's other offers (such as 1:1 coaching, or her LondonSWF courses like 'Breaking Into Script Reading' or other things Lucy can negotiate for Academy members).

If you want to get to the next level in your writing craft and career, join us in B2W Academy. Double dare ya! ;)