Is this you ...?

You struggle to get words on the page - you might manage it in fits & starts, but too often you're NOT writing because life gets in the way.

You find it hard to write because you have a family or other caring commitments.

You have a demanding job that requires a lot of your mental bandwidth.

You have a mental health issue such as depression or anxiety, or your neurodivergence (such as, but not limited to, ADHD) makes getting organised a challenge.

You are disabled or chronically ill, so find it difficult to get stuff written when you feel like crap.

You find it hard to write a draft without a deadline because no one is waiting for it.

You feel depressed, overwhelmed and hopeless because your draft is taking much longer than you hoped it would.

You're in the right place!

B2W can help with productivity hacks, tips and tricks in this one-off masterclass.

You can get PRODUCTIVE A.F and learn how to bend time to YOUR will (not the other way around).

'You must be Wonder Woman to get this all done!'

I've heard this all my working life ... People can't believe I can get my books written, run Bang2write's main site and social media, market both B2W and my novels, work with Bang2writers on their own novels and screenplays, do workshops and trainings, network & go to meetings AND find time to have a life!

But I am not a superhero, nor do I have a time turner or any other magical abilities.

Nor do I work seven days a week or late into the night every night.

In fact, I was SO insanely productive I had to STOP writing so much because I inadvertently created a bottleneck of projects!!

So if you're wondering HOW you can get as much writing done as you want AND have work/life balance ... you've come to the right place.

I will show you how to get your project on the page WITHOUT sacrificing your 'me time' or quality time with loved ones.

You will finally become PRODUCTIVE AF and make time bend to your will (not the other way around).

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up for this training & get productive A.F this year and smash your writing goals!

'I just don't have time ...'

I get it. With the rising costs of living and various other life challenges, getting words on the page can seem IMPOSSIBLE.

I was you, once

As a teen mum, I had a baby before I had a job. Balancing my baby's needs with working was tough, plus everyone lined up to tell me 'my life was over' and that I was a drain on society. Even worse, I lived in the middle of nowhere. I was depressed, overwhelmed and certain I could NEVER become what I'd always wanted to be ... a professional writer.

Then I realised something ... I was not the first young woman to be a teen mum. I was not the first person to struggle with poverty or their mental health. I was not the first person to find it difficult to get a job, or to find it hard to achieve work/life balance once I had one.

In short, I realised my challenges were other people's challenges too ... which meant the answer had to be out there. I felt certain I could get organised, get words on the page and get it out there.

Fast forward 20 years ...

Spoiler alert: I was right!

I found not THE answer to being productive A.F, but LOTS OF THEM.

This means that I'm certain there has to be at least one method, insight, hack or tip in this training that will be rocket fuel to your creativity.

What's on offer

Here's what I can offer you during this masterclass ...

  • My highly-prized top 15 secrets to UNSTOPPABLE productivity
  • Why you DON'T have to write every day and still smash your goals
  • The SCIENCE behind productivity and all the various theories
  • How to work SMARTER, not harder
  • Why there's just 1 key thing you're overlooking & utilising it will help you get words on the page
  • What procrastination really is and why self-sabotage is more common than you think
  • Why writing routines are important ... but probably not the way you think!!

Everything you need

This training has everything you need to accelerate your writing productivity to insane levels. Take the masterclass whenever you want. You can also use the B2W Secret Facebook group to discuss the course content with other Bang2writers.

Lucy can help you

Lucy has lived this training herself. She had the same issues you have with productivity, but now churns out hundreds of thousands of words a year. She's a renowned script editor for British shorts and features, a prolific blogger and the published author of 13 books.

eGuide & Printables

No B2W training would be complete without the usual treasure trove of resources! Included: an eGuide 'Greatest Hits' on productivity with even MORE tips and hacks, plus worksheets on time management to ensure you get the most out of your writing time.

This is where this masterclass comes in

This training contains everything you need to get PRODUCTIVE A.F!

  •  1 x video tutorial breaking down the science behind productivity, as well as my own highly-prized top productivity hacks that have enabled me to super-power my writing. As ever, the slides are included for your reference too!
  •  1 x Time Management worksheet. If you find it difficult to get things done in the time you have available, then this worksheet is a MUST-HAVE.
  • 1 x Word / Page Count Tracker. Whether you measure with words or pages, this handy printable will help you keep track and help you evaluate your progress!

Plus you get B2W BONUSES too 

As with any B2W course you get your treasure trove of bonuses. This time around you get ...

  •  D & D Worksheet. This is my absolute favourite exercise that changed my writing WORLD! This worksheet acts as a powerful reset to help you work out what you need to do to get productive ... but just as importantly, what you DON'T need to do! (VALUE: $47)
  •  A Productivity 'Greatest Hits' eGuide from B2W. In this PDF guide there's EVEN MORE valuable productivity hacks, tips and insights from me and other Bangers, as well as links to further resources. (VALUE: $47)
  • 1 x Writing Sprint Cheat Sheet. Only got 5-20 minutes a day to write? That's okay! It ALL adds up ... Keep track of your progress with this handy cheat sheet (VALUE: $27)
So much EXTRA value to the training!!

Sign up for this intensive training chock-full of value!

Grab the productivity hacks you need to ensure you level up your productivity this year. Don't miss it!