Create an effective submissions strategy so you can finally grab that elusive writing deal, literary agent, or screenplay option.

This course runs between July 26th - Aug 1st 2021.

Welcome to the B2W Submissions Secrets Bootcamp!

Think of your writing goal for 2021-2022. Is it ...

Finally landing a literary agent?

Grabbing an option on your screenplay?

Getting a publishing deal?

Placing high in writing contests?

Creating powerful new contacts and relationships?

... Something else???

Live Trainings on Zoom (recordings for later!)

Each live training will take place on Zoom at 7pm (GMT) for approx 1 hour. You will be able to chat with Lucy & your fellow students. If you can't make the live sessions - or don't want to - that's fine too! Recordings of each session be uploaded each night.

Treasure Trove of B2W Resources

Submissions Secrets boasts 8 eGuides & accompanying hours of live training (approx), 2 visual guides, 1 swipe file, 2 templates and 9 printables including checklists, planners and samples. That's not including your bonuses, too! (See below).

Work With Friends, Or At Your Own Pace

You can work online with friends and chat via the forum each day here on Teachable, or in the B2W Teachable Tribe group on Facebook. Alternatively you can work through the course at your own pace on your own using the recordings, or revisit them later. It's up to you!

Want to Make Writing Submissions?

If you are not sure where to start, or worry about sending the wrong stuff, or you are perhaps accustomed to rejection on your submissions (or worse, the dreaded 'radio silence'), THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU!

During this interactive bootcamp, over the course of a week you will develop your own submissions 'roadmap' that will form the foundation of your submissions strategy.

September is one of the best times to make writing submissions ... so B2W is running its 'Submissions Secrets' in July 2021 so you can get ready for it!

Can you afford to miss out?

Also included on the course:

DAY 1) Submissions DOs & DONT's - everything you need in this epic crash course intro to the submissions process.

DAY 2) What Should Be In Your Submission Package - Too often writers send the wrong stuff to the right people and vice versa. Never fall down this rabbit hole again!

DAY 3) How To Get Results - How do you get results ... plus how do you even know if you're doing it well? This module puts evaluating your goals and strategies under the microscope.

DAY 4) 'No Unsolicited Material - Now What??' - Writers are often frustrated by this missive on industry pros' websites. This module will reveal what to do about this, plus how to find leads and create relationships.

DAY 5) Submissions Checklist - Never waste your time or anyone else's again by ensuring you ALWAYS send the right stuff, to the right people.

How The Course Works

B2W's Lucy V will deliver live trainings via Zoom every evening between Monday 26th July & Sunday August 1st at 7pm (GMT). Don't worry if you can't make the live trainings though, recordings of each session will be uploaded to Teachable shortly afterwards.

Each session will focus on an important part of the submissions process, which Lucy will demystify for you via live trainings, video, worksheets, templates, eGuides, visuals and infographics.

There will also be two BONUS live trainings too on the weekend of July 31st/August 1st! (Details below).

At the end of the course you will have a submissions strategy based on your own individual goal AND the tools to put it into practice!

What else you get

When you enroll on Submissions Secrets, you don't just get the course ... You get fantastic bonuses too.

Scroll on down to see what else you can get with Submissions Secrets to help you with your strategies!

(NOTE: Some of the bonuses are fast-acting, which means they are 'first come, first served' for a limited number of students).


20 min submissions strategy check with Lucy V

I will talk over and personally check your submissions strategy.

NOTE >> this is fast acting bonus, so limited to first 10 students who enrol ONLY (worth $197).

Ack! Sorry -- this fast-acting bonus has already filled up. You still have 2 fantastic bonuses tho - the AMA with a literary agent & a live training on selling yourself 'off the page'. Details to the left of this box :)

AMA ('Ask Me Anything') with an actual literary agent!

We will also be joined on the course by veteran literary agent & author of Make Money Screenwriting, Julian Friedmann.

Julian has represented screenwriters and authors for over forty years, so he really knows his stuff. Do NOT miss the chance to pick his brains! (Worth $147).

Sell Yourself Off The Page With Niraj Kapur

You need to make a GREAT first impression with submissions ... but how do we do this???

Niraj Kapur has been an award-winning salesman for over 20 years and is the author of the bestselling book, Everybody Works In Sales. He has ALL the tips for 'selling yourself off the page' when it comes to making submissions. A totally unmissable session (worth $147).

More Fantastic Bonuses!!!

That's not all, these two bonuses are also available ...

How To Write A Bio - Create buzz and use social media to your advantage when making submissions (video, eGuides, worksheet and template worth $97). Available to all enrolled Submissions Secrets students.

How To Deal With Rejection - when making submissions, rejection is inevitable! Learn how to develop a thicker skin and stay optimistic with this handy eGuide to stay positive (worth $47). Available to all enrolled Submissions Secrets students.

Don't miss out -- see you soon!

Grab your bonuses for enrolling

Grab all this for just £97!

It took me the best part of 20 years and a stack of £££ to amass all this submissions knowledge ... but you can grab it all in one week for just £97!

Bang2write has one simple mission: demystifying the submissions process and helping writers grab their best chance of getting what they want.

What's more, you can be reassured B2W only recommends approaches and strategies I've tried myself and found to be successful ... Don't miss Submissions Secrets!

Can't pay with £?

If you need a different currency or to pay via Paypal, no problem -- simply message me here on Teachable or email [email protected] and we can sort that out.